Promotional Products

/Promotional Products

Grepro Goes Hip

Grepro Goes Hip Grepro, aka, Grenada Promotional Products has recently forayed into the insta-world to broaden their horizons and converse with their customers using the calm tones of  ‘Slumber’ and the sharpness of ‘Mayfair’. This shift in communication occurred when Director Michael Kelly decided that after 18 years, it was time to step outside of [...]

By |2019-02-15T00:19:57+00:00May 9th, 2016|Promotional Products|0 Comments

Promotional Products Newcastle

Promotional Products Newcastle Grenada Promotional Products has been supplying promotional products in Newcastle since 1998. Their showroom is regarded as one of the most extensive showrooms in Australia. It is located in the geographical centre of the greater Newcastle area at Cardiff. We sat down recently with the founder and director of Grenada Promotional Products, Michael Kelly, [...]

By |2019-02-15T00:19:58+00:00April 7th, 2016|Promotional Products|0 Comments